This sampling campaign took place in 2012 on the sites of the Japanese baths, the needle’s Prony and the kaori river.
- Needle Prony
- Needle Prony
- Needle Prony
- needle Prony
- Needle Prony
- Needle Prony
- Needle Prony
- Bain des Japonais
- Hydrothermal Bain des Japonais
- Juvenile Chimneys ST08
- Juvenile chimneys ST07
- Bay of Prony
This project is funded by the French National research Agency « ANR ». It is an interdisciplinary and international long-terme collaboration between researchers at the Mediterranean Institute of Oceanography, Geoscience Environnement Toulouse, Institut du Globe de Paris, Medis, Entropie, The Stony Brook University.